We are always trying to identify the most valuable tools for our clients. With that, at our Life Skills Workshops, we have had the chance to cover topics that make a difference in everyone’s life. We know that providing people with skills related to Workforce Development & Financial Literacy is key to providing the confidence needed to go out into the workforce as stronger individuals.
We had representatives from the Savings Bank of Danbury for offering practical advice on Budgeting. The topic hit home with everyone since we covered real expenses and tools to utilize in everyday life.
Stephanie Dalfonzo, author of “Goodbye Anxiety, Hello Freedom: How to Build Resilience and Overcome Anxiety” shared strategies on how to deal with every day anxiety. We were all so grateful for her presentation all the tips she provided, especially since most have to deal with anxiety on a daily basis.
We had the pleasure of having a representative from People’s United Bank present at a Life Skills Workshop to educate the women on Savings & Checking Accounts. Topics covered also addressed managing fees and avoiding fraudulent transactions.